The 2023 Indonesia – ICAO Developing Countries Training Programme (DCTP)
1. Course Type : ICAO ITP
2. Delivery Mode : Virtual Classroom
3. Language : English
4. Duration : 1 Day / 6 Hours
5. Maximum Participants : 18
6. Description :
The Safety Risk Management Fundamentals course focuses on competencies required at CAAs to conduct State-level safety risk assessments and evaluate Service Provider safety risks assessments.
7. Objective :
- Develop a hazard and consequence statement to support the assessment of safety risk;
- Carry out safety risk assessments through the appropriate application of tools and methodologies;
- Evaluate Service Provider safety risk assessments (also referred to as safety cases, safety assessments and aeronautical studies);
- Develop strategies for prioritizing safety risks from a state perspective as per ICAO provisions;
- Design risk mitigation strategies from a state perspective;
- Document safety risk management activities considering the need of sharing/exchanging information within the CAA/State authorities and the industry (database, registers, spreadsheets etc).
8. Target Population :
Aviation safety professionals involved in the management of aviation safety risks at the State level working at Civil Aviation Authorities, including aviation safety inspectors involved in evaluating Service Provider safety risk assessments.
9. Expenses : All expenses are covered (free)
10. Contact Information :
Center for Human Resources Development on Civil Aviation Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 5982207 Fax: +62 21 5982279
Palembang Aviation Polytechnic
Tel: +62 711 410930 Fax: +62 711 420385
11. Process of application and selection
a) Access the registration menu on the website ( with your e-mail address and password
b) Complete the application form and upload the state letter with official nomination form (Attachment B).
c) Selection Process by the Indonesia Selection Committee.
12. APPLICATION DEADLINE 5th May 2023 (18:00, Jakarta Local Time)